Category: News
Staff Interview: Lauren Eaken
Everyone needs someone to push them in their life. That could be a friend, a family member, a coworker, or a Career Specialist. Our staff at JOG works hard every day to help young people across Northeast Ohio succeed in their educational training, GED programs, and learn lifelong skills through programs like soft skill training. Lauren Eaken is a beacon of what passing positive reinforcement and ambition on to our JOG participants looks like.
JOG the Web: Year End at JOG
What a year it has been here at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG)! We have been lucky enough to experience growth across both our staff and programming. This ranges from an expansion of our partnership with Akron Public Schools, to our first ever middle school programming, and even kickstarting a program in Ashland County both in-school and out-of-school.
Student Success Story: JOG Feedback @ LDC 2023
This year at the Leadership Development Conference, Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) asked our participants to provide written testimonials on their experiences with JOG and some of what they like about the program. We receive plenty of great feedback from students across all 5 of the counties we work in: Ashland, Medina, Stark, Summit, and Trumbull. Here is some of the feedback students provided.
Staff Interview: Carolyn French
Caring is one of the keys to success in being a JOG Career Specialist. The ability to be proficient in relaying the core values of what we do alongside preparing students for the working world is tough, and coming from a place of compassion and care is the best way to do it effectively. Carolyn French has been a part of Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) for 5 years now, joining in August 2018. She has worked in her role since joining as a Career Specialist for Buchtel CLC and Firestone CLC but transitioned to a new role this year. Carolyn brought with her a background of working with young adults and high school kids and getting them involved in the workplace.
JOG the Web: Giving Tuesday 2023
Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) not only provides support related to our students’ education and career paths, but also supports outside the classroom, connecting our students to what they need in their daily lives. To do this, we have created the Endurance Fund, which gives JOG students one-time help for personal barriers that keep them from continuing toward their goals. This could be helping them get a flat tire replaced on the car they use to get to work or purchasing childcare supplies or toiletries when they have started a job but that first paycheck hasn’t come in.
JOG the Web: Leadership Development Conference 2023
This past Wednesday, 11/1/2023, we hosted our annual Leadership Development Conference (LDC) at the John S. Knight Center in Akron, OH. Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) has been providing a place for our students to learn about how to become inspiring leaders since the LDC’s inception. This year, famed Ohio State University and Youngstown State University coach Jim Tressel gave an inspiring speech on how to be an equitable leader to both others and oneself.
Student Success Story: Miah
One of the best things about working at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) is being able to help our students achieve their dreams. From helping our students realize what pathways they want to follow, to getting connected with real-world companies in those professions, JOG works to get our students started on the road to their goals as empowered young adults. Our Career Specialist, Matt Turner was able to do just that with his student Miah.
Staff Interview: Tiffany Mealy
Staff at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) play an important role in empowering our students. From building strong relationships, to mentorship and guidance to teaching academic skills, our Career Specialists do a little bit of everything to get our students that extra mile. One staff member who is a shining example of leadership and heart is Tiffany Mealy.
JOG the Web: Full-Time Employment Programs
At Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG), we strive to help today’s Northeast Ohio youth achieve academic success, but we also help get our JOG students into full-time jobs in career paths that interest them. We do this through internal efforts to connect youth with opportunity and the generosity of our community partners. In our 2023 6-for-6 performance outcomes, 74% of of JOG students were employed, 84% were employed full-time and 75% had a positive full-time employment outcome. Here’s how we do it.
JOG the Web: The Fun of Working For JOG!
Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) has worked hard to bring in great staff working to excite young people in Ohio about workforce development and personal growth since our inception in 1987. Our outgoing staff is our greatest strength in helping bridge the gap between today’s youth and the job market. The JOG program works to not only help our participants by seizing opportunities presented to us but also empower them to thrive. It really is an environment of mutual benefits of personal growth and reward.