Category: News
JOG the Web: Career Development Conference
What’s more fun than a fun challenge of your skills? Our annual Career Development Conference (CDC) gives students from across our 5 counties that exact chance! Our competitors get to put the educational and vocational training they have gained to the test in a variety of career-based topics. The events are built to cover a wide array of soft skills training topics that competitors will need when they are entering the workforce. These competitions range from classic head-to-head style challenges to presentations of work that has already been achieved, like the Cover Design and Students for Service competitions.
JOG the Web: Career Expo 2024
Career guidance, exploration and advancement is the backbone of what we do at JOG. We work hard to connect our youth with opportunities in fields they want to build a future in. We strive every day to be known as a “one-stop success shop” of career guidance, work readiness programs, and employment opportunities to prepare the next generation of in-school and out-of-school youth, for success at work, at home and as leaders in their communities. One of our annual hands-on ways we do this is through our Career Development Conference and Career Expo!
Student Success Story: Nathaniel
At Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates, part of our mission is to help students break out of their shells. This may involve developing better preparedness and reducing anxiety for job interviews, overcoming personal barriers, or simply gaining confidence in school. In the case of Nathan, he was able to become an outgoing student who went from reserved to active and attentive.
Staff Interview: Nicole Argirakis
Generally, our blog interviews cover the great work getting done by our Career Specialists. However, our staff covers much more than in-school and out-of-school specialists now. We have a business engagement team, a documentation team, those working in juvenile justice, and more! One of the hard workers that we want to highlight is none other than Nicole Argirakis from our documentation team.
JOG the Web: Career Associations @ JOG
While going through the JOG program, students are given the chance to advance their career skills through a variety of ways. This could be through our mentorship programs, subsidized work, summer work, classroom training, or a traditional unsubsidized job. One of the more creative options we offer is through our in-school Career Associations.
JOG the Web: Summer Work 2024
Youth employment is at the heart of what we do at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates. Our goal is to set up the next generation of young people for success in pathways toward their career goals. We can’t do this without the help from our wonderful Employer Partners, who offer workplaces for our students to experience hands-on training, mentorship, and career exposure within their pathway of interest.
Partner Showcase: Akron Recreation & Parks
Simply put, we couldn’t do what we do without the help of our wonderful employers. It takes someone who is willing to take the extra step of not only employing JOG participants, but also being open to building up the next generation of the workforce through vocational training and guidance. Employers like Doug and his team at Akron Recreation & Parks are a great example of what that looks like.
Staff Interview: Morgan Dent
We love to call our Career Specialists our JOG Superheroes because they are able to make such big impacts on our students’ lives. We do this through our unique education process in-school or out-of-school, helping students face challenges life presents them and everything in between. Specialists like Morgan are so important to helping our students grow into adulthood as well-rounded members of society.
JOG the Web: New Year Goals & Ambitions
Happy New Year from us here at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates! We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt wishes as we enter 2024. To get the year off right, let’s go over some of the goals for 2024, with the goal to surpass the remarkable year we had in 2023.
Student Success Story: Brendon
We are so proud of the accomplishments that all our students have achieved since starting the JOG program. Brendon is one of the students who graduated in our July 2023 graduation as a part of our GED program, and we are so proud of his journey with JOG. From being wary of another program that just won’t work for him, to becoming a high school graduate, Brendon has made tremendous strides.