Category: News
Staff Interview: Kristen Pawcio
At Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG), our Career Specialists wear many hats during the day. These are things like being an educator, mentor, counselor, life planner, and so many more. A great example of someone who is great at helping participants in all aspects of their career and life is Kristen Pawcio.
JOG the Web: LinkedIn 101 for JOG Participants
A big part of work readiness is having a well-managed LinkedIn profile. But what is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a social media platform that focuses on connecting peers and companies. According to LinkedIn’s website, they say “You can use LinkedIn to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career.” Even if you do not use it to apply for jobs, most employers will look you up on the platform the further along you are in your career.
JOG the Web: Healthy Ways to Manage Workplace Stressors
Workplace stressors exist for everyone in the working world, regardless of years of experience For plenty of our participants, their first job is often found through our workplace readiness programs, and they have not had the opportunity to learn how to manage these stressors. As part of the JOG curriculum, we work to make sure that participants are prepared when facing challenges that will come up in their new environment. This includes when things get stressful. Here are some healthy ways we teach our participants to manage workplace stress that can really be helpful for anyone:
Student Success Story: CJ
This summer, we have been able to work alongside so many great local organizations as a part of the JOG Summer Youth Employment Program. These partnerships help young people get connected to worksites and achieve real world experiences to get work-ready. One of these students in this program is C.J.
JOG Staff: All Staff Retreat 2024
This July, all JOG staff came together for 3 days of training, team building exercises, learning, and reflection at MAPS Air Museum in North Canton. This year’s annual retreat was headed up by the Director of Programming, Pamela Crombie and encompassed staff from Summit, Stark, Medina, Trumbull and Ashland Counties. The event covered sharing tips on working with youth, trauma-informed care, teambuilding and a variety of other exercises.
JOG the Web: Building a Professional Network
As our recent 2024 graduates go through their first summer after achieving their high school diploma or GED, many of them will begin to look for ways to be work ready for life after school. The landscape can be tough to navigate when there are so many websites to look through, ways to present themselves to companies, and a variation of other rules to following to get what could be their first job after graduation. One of the best ways to extend opportunities in the industry a participant has chosen is through networking.
JOG the Web: Ohio’s In-Demand Industries
One of our main goals at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates is to ensure students are able to be work ready to go into industries in which they are interested and can build a career with a good paying job. We do this through Career Specialist mentorship to help establish a pathway for the participant based on what they like and where their skills lie. The Career Specialists also try to help them match these skills to growing and in demand industries to improve our students’ chances of job placement and growth.
Student Success Story: June 2024 Graduation
Twice a year, JOG hosts a graduation ceremony for our out-of-school students who wouldn’t have the opportunity to walk the stage otherwise. This normally happens in June and December, the end of the school year and the end of the calendar year. We are so proud of our students who have been working on their GED and to highlight their hard work, so to highlight their achievement, we put on our very own graduation ceremony at our Summit County office!
Staff Interview: Monique Jones
Our goal at JOG is to help our participants rise above and meet their academic and career goals. Whether that looks like achieving their GED, getting their first job, or getting into further education programs, our Career Specialists strive to help our participants get there! One Career Specialist who goes above and beyond to help students in this way is Monique Jones.
JOG the Web: Tips for Acing an Interview
Our main goal at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates is to help our participants through their academic goals and work readiness. We go through a variety of topics to help them succeed in this transition from school to work. One of these topics is preparing for the interviewing process. For our participants, and any other young adult preparing for an interview, here are some tips for crushing your next interview.