Staff Interview: Kelley Conley

Kelley Conley makes an impact on her students in a variety of ways!
The best leaders teach by example. This is the easiest way to show both how it looks to be a good leader in action, while also putting your words into action for your audience. At JOG, our Career Specialists are leaders who do exactly this. Career Specialists get to teach our young people how to be kind and understanding, while also being a strong leader. Kelley Conley is a great example of instilling these JOG core competencies into our youth and has been a cornerstone of the JOG Stark County program since joining us straight out of college.
When talking to Kelley about some of the ways she works with her students in class, Kelley explained, “I feel l wear a lot of hats at JOG…I teach daily classes, mentor students, tutor students, transport students, encourage students, and assist them in finding any community resources that they are eligible for.” Kelley continued, “I also run an afterschool program. I create online lessons and daily lecture videos as well as facilitate an in-person program where we do hands-on activities to foster teamwork and community.”
These activities and instilled skills help her students grow into fully-fledged young adults ready to tackle real-world challenges both in the classroom and out of it. One of the biggest challenges some students have faced is with trust. Some students have had fallings out with their fellow classmates, some with family, and these students have been able to learn different ways to problem solve with Kelley’s help. She has been able to show them a good example of what a trusting person looks like and how to be able to navigate interpersonal relationships. Kelley expressed, “I love that I have gotten to get close to these kids and have earned their trust. I love that I have gotten to watch them rekindle friendships with each other. I love that they know that I am here for them and reach out when they need something.” When discussing how these opportunities resonate with her, Kelley went on saying, “I am happy that so many of them have opened up about their past and shared their stories. They are resilient kids.” This approach with her students has become increasingly popular. It has even helped grow the after-school JOG program she runs from 3 students, into a group of 20!
Kelley has been a great example of what good leadership looks like to our students. With her help, JOG has been able to grow students into the next generation of understanding, open, and compassionate leaders. Her influence on her students is something that will stick with them for life, and we applaud her for her hard work!