JOG the Web: Career Associations @ JOG

Students Learn Leadership Skills in the Classroom through the JOG Career Association!
While going through the JOG program, students are given the chance to advance their career skills through a variety of ways. This could be through our mentorship programs, subsidized work, summer work, classroom training, or a traditional unsubsidized job. One of the more creative options we offer is through our in-school Career Associations.
These Career Associations are in many of our classrooms. JOG offers these as options for our students to be able to build leadership, collaboration, and general soft skill training right in the classroom. The first step is for existing JOG students to go through an initiation process. This normally is a small ceremony that is hosted by the Career Specialist and sometimes the existing office holders. This is a time to celebrate the student’s continued dedication towards growing their own career knowledge through this association.
When elections come around, students are given the option to run for office. Offices vary per school, but all associations include at least a President, Vice President and a Treasurer. These offices allow students to take a leading part in their classes’ association. They are able to run meetings, put ideas forward for special classroom events, and much more. By having the opportunity to have more of a leading role in their classroom they are able to build skills transferable to the real world. It’s not all work, however, students can build relationships with their fellow classmates while in these roles to help them as student mentors themselves, assisting the members and leaders in growing together. These skills of leadership, group communication and creative problem-solving allow students to have a leg up in their journey toward a career. This creates a rewarding feeling of accomplishment that will guide them towards repeating these good habits at work.
We love being able to offer our students such creative ways to integrate their hard work in the classroom into work readiness. We are so proud of all of our past, current and future Career Association members and officers and how far they have come. If you are a High School student who is not yet in JOG but is looking to build your skills towards your future career successes, reach out, and we would be happy to see if JOG is right for you.
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