Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) is one of more than 40 affiliates of the nationwide Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) organization. As an affiliate, we have access to the evidence-based JAG curriculum and JAG Model of service delivery and implementation.
Competency Based InstructionThe JAG program equips students with no less than 37 employability skills competencies plus career exploration and development. Multi-year JAG students are eligible to master 81 competencies.
Classroom InstructionsA JOG Career Specialist provides individual and group instruction to 35-45 students carefully selected by an in-school advisory committee comprised of faculty, administrators, and counselors. JOG classes are scheduled during the school day for credit.
Trauma Informed and Caring AdultsJOG Specialists provide individual attention to students to overcome barriers that prevent them from taking advantage of their high school education, completing requirements for a high school diploma and/or securing employment or pursuing a post-secondary education leading to a career after high school.
Advice and SupportJOG Career Specialists provide advice and support as students make significant career and life decisions and serve as a “one-stop” connection for participants to access personal, behavioral, and other youth services in the community. Support services are provided during the school year as well as the summer months.
Project Based LearningProject-Based Learning (PBL) is a proven approach to prepare students for academic, personal and career successes. JAG shifted to a PBL instructional strategy to deliver employability skills competencies, specific industry and employer content and engagement, and community problems and solutions.
Employer EngagementJOG engages employers in the classroom as well as in the professional setting to expose students to job opportunities and career pathways in their own communities.
Student-Led Leadership Development and ExperienceAs a highly motivational student-led organization, the JOG Career Association develops student civic engagement, public service, leadership development, career preparation, and social awareness.
12-Month Follow-Up ServicesJOG provides twelve months of follow-up services after high school graduation to support student transition into employment, military service, and/or post-secondary enrollment.
Job and Post-Secondary Education Placement ServicesSpecialists help graduates identify job opportunities, assist in exploration of post-secondary education, and navigate financial aid enrollments to pursue a degree program, certification, or industry-recognized credential.

The JAG Advantage is based on a promise: JAG will give students an advantage that will set them apart from all other youth in today’s emerging workforce through student-centered programs that help young people achieve their fullest potential.
The JAG Model blends these approaches and when delivered effectively, JOG’s Career Specialists will deliver JAG competencies, engage the Student Center Association, and work with employers in strategies that are healthy and supportive to JOG students.