Partner Showcase: Akron Recreation & Parks

Building good habits at work with Akron Recreation & Parks
Simply put, we couldn’t do what we do without the help of our wonderful employers. It takes someone who is willing to take the extra step of not only employing JOG participants, but also being open to building up the next generation of the workforce through vocational training and guidance. Employers like Doug and his team at Akron Recreation & Parks are a great example of what that looks like.
Doug has been an employer with JOG for over 10 years. Initially he connected with us after his nephew successfully went through the JOG program. After seeing the program work so well for his nephew, he was inspired to become a JOG employer partner. He wanted to help the next generation of the workforce grow into good habits. Doug expressed, “Every job is going to be different, but we want to teach the basics. Show up on time. If you’re sick, call off. Communication is key. Paying close attention to what your bosses say. Taking initiative. These are your baselines.” Doug continued, “I want them to learn from example too so whatever I ask them to do, I do too. If they are directing traffic for an event, I am directing traffic too. I think that’s what makes a good leader and I want them to learn to be able to become great leaders.”
As for what tasks the students take on at Akron Recreation & Parks, there is a plethora. Doug and his team work hard to make the JOG participants feel included. Doug explained it best by saying, “We take in the students, and we treat them as city-accurate staff. They get to be part of the team.” Doug continued, “We also teach them how to present yourself. We do this because you never know if the person you interacted with at the store is the person who will interview you for a job down the line. That is one of the many reasons to present yourself the best you can.” These skills get to be put to the test in real world applications through various means. When talking about these various tasks, Doug went into further detail, “Their jobs range from working at the front desk, to money-handling skills, to working events, and everything in-between. I want them to be able to walk away feeling well-rounded and like they learned something.”
Taking on JOG participants helps our young people more than just through employment opportunities. They grow into adults through real world application. This could be just regular conversations or something more specific. Doug explained it best, saying, “We want to see good habits form. If I can do that through being relatable and open communication, we have done our part to help these students to learn to be better people and better employees.”
Akron Recreation & Parks is a great partner to JOG. They have brought on JOG participants for over a decade and have helped our youth grow into their fullest potential. They have also put forward different skills for our participants to become stronger members of the workforce. It takes truly inspiring minds to push people towards being their best selves, and we are lucky to be able to have that through them.
If you, or someone you know think you would be a great fit to become a JOG employer partner, connect with us! We would love to talk to you further about it. Click the button below to get started.