JOG the Web: New Year Goals & Ambitions

Happy New Year from us here at Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates! We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt wishes as we enter 2024. To get the year off right, let’s go over some of the goals for 2024, with the goal to surpass the remarkable year we had in 2023.
Firstly, as we move into the second half of the 2023-2024 school year, are looking to continue our support for students already enrolled in the JOG program. We have been able to expand our reach to new heights in 2023 and we want to see these students continue on their academic and professional road to success. From our comprehensive work readiness programming leading up to graduation and a successful job placement, we are excited to help our students take that crucial next step – for some, achieving graduation in either May or December!
Next up is our Summer Work Program. This program serves as a pivotal moment connecting students to promising entry points into their chosen career fields. We do this by establishing a pathway into a career field that a student deems is where they want for their future, ranging from manufacturing, to culinary, to business and everything in-between.
Finally, our goals extend throughout the year. We build upon our statistical successes of our 6-for-6 outcomes. By using our statistics from 2023 and years prior we can set new benchmarks for continuous improvement.
This involves strengthening existing partnerships and connecting with new community based organizations to make a positive difference right here in our own backyard. These partnerships help develop mentorship programs with our students to help them become the industry professionals they want to be and provide a person to rely on in that field for guidance.
We cannot express enough just how proud we are of the hard work our students and staff put in every day. This work is proof that dedication towards the end goals we set at JOG work, and help our students build a better life for themselves. We are proud of the heights we reached in 2023 and we are excited to take the next step above in 2024!
If you would like to join the JOG family as a summer work employment partner, please reach out to Terri Peterman at