Staff Interview: Carolyn French

Caring is one of the keys to success in being a JOG Career Specialist. The ability to be proficient in relaying the core values of what we do alongside preparing students for the working world is tough, and coming from a place of compassion and care is the best way to do it effectively. Carolyn French has been a part of Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) for 5 years now, joining in August 2018. She has worked in her role since joining as a Career Specialist for Buchtel CLC and Firestone CLC but transitioned to a new role this year. Carolyn brought with her a background of working with young adults and high school kids and getting them involved in the workplace.
Carolyn said, “Before JOG, I worked as a Job Specialist to help adults either re-enter the workforce or with job exploration for 10 years. Every summer, I also got to work with high school students in the program with job placement and work readiness.” Since starting with JOG Carolyn has been a staple for both staff and students. Her passion for her work is evident. As she explains, “It’s exactly what I have wanted to do. The thing I love most is being able to work directly with High School kids in the schools. I took over for Rochelle in Buchtel and Firestone and jumped into it. It took some adjustments because the students were used to Ms. Mitchell. The transition went really well! I am still in contact with some of the students from that first roster of students today.”
Reflecting on her five-year journey with JOG, Carolyn expressed, “there isn’t one specific moment that has stuck with me because there has been so many. Whenever I retire or move on to another path, I think what will stick with me is not what I did for the kids, it’s what the kids have done for me. They are all such amazing young people. The different personalities, growth and successes will stick with me. Just because some may not be in positions that they may want to be in today, they are all wonderful people with genuine goodness and potential.”
When discussing her transition to er new role as the Work Based Learning Coordinator between JOG and Akron Public Schools, Carolyn stated, “My biggest challenge I have run into with JOG since starting has been not having day to day contact with the students in my new role. It was a hard decision to make because I like being able to have that connection and being that person for them. It weighed on me to make the decision.” Carolyn laughed and continued, “But now, I get to be the fun aunt that comes in, talks to the kids, check in on them and head out with none of the additional paperwork.”
We are so proud of Carolyn. The work she has done since starting with the JOG program has impacted many lives and we are excited to see what she is able to accomplish in her new role with us here at JOG.