Student Success Story: Galaxie

Many of our students at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) have overcome hurdles in their lives, whether personal, social, or at home. Regardless of their background, JOG works hard to bring growth to Ohio youth, both professionally and personally. Galaxie is a current JOG student who has been able to overcome various barriers in her path to success and grow into her own.

According to her Career Specialist, Shelly Friedrich, “When I first met Galaxie she had many difficulties at home with a very unstable family life.” These family life issues led to poor self-esteem which created negative self-talk in turn. She came to the JOG program looking for exactly what we offer through the JOG model: caring adults meeting young people where they are at. She was unsure of what she wanted when it came to a career but knew she wanted to get a job.

Despite many changes in her life, Galaxie was able to find stability through her work with Shelly here at JOG. Galaxie took some time to open up to JOG but when she did she really blossomed into a whole new person. She has been able to craft a much-improved sense of self-confidence and self-worth. Shelly explained, “Galaxie is a very motivated young lady and she is determined not to repeat the previous mistakes of her family, as well as to make her like something her family would be proud of.” With this newfound confidence, she has been able to take pride in her work by getting her first part-time job! Shelly expanded, “She was so excited to have her own job and make her own money.”

This past spring, Galaxie even participated in JOG’s annual Career Development Conference (CDC) really cementing that she has been able to come into her own. She has shown growth both in confidence in social situations, as well as in taking pride in her work.

We are so happy to be able to talk about the growth that Galaxie has shown since starting with JOG. We are so proud of the young woman she has become. Her continued dedication to hard work and self-growth is a testament to both her and the values given by the JOG program. We are so excited to see what the next big steps Galaxie takes!