JOG the Web: JOG Events
Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) is proud to organize a plethora of events to our JOG family and to our community! These events include conferences to help our participants grow both as people and professionally, as well as community engagement activities that allow us to connect with our closest supporters. This article will run through our events (both ongoing and recently previous) and briefly explain them.
One of our two flagship events is our Career Development Conference (CDC) and Career Expo. This event typically occurs in March, and focuses on putting what our participants have learned to the test. For the CDC, after a talk from a keynote speaker, participants across all counties compete in challenges ranging from career preparation displays, to decision making exercises and even designing the cover of the program! The Career Expo brings real-world employers to the event for both those participating in the CDC and those not. This event gives the youth participants the opportunity to talk more about fields of interest and put what they have learned to the test through possible interviews for real jobs. To read more on the CDC please click here.
Our other key live event is the Leadership Development Conference (LDC). This event focuses on teaching participants how to be better leaders and “and empowers them as both individuals and leaders as is part of the JAG Model. This event starts with a keynote speaker and separates into 3 more sessions that participants engage in through Q&A. These vary on topics, but all relate in some way to the initial talk from the keynote speaker. To read about 2022’s LDC, please click here.
In 2023 we hosted our first in-person Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference titled Organizational Strengths in Differences (OSiD). The JOG program teaches about being inclusive and understanding and we believe this is a great way to show examples of how to do just that. This conference focused on bringing in speakers to talk about how to be more inclusive in school, interpersonally, and at work. The event included a keynote speaker and 3 breakout sessions, including a Q&A panel of 4 industry leaders. To learn about our inaugural OSiD conference click here.
Finally, this year, we are hosting our first ever JOG Golf Outing at Bunker Hill Golf Course! This event will be taking place on Monday, August 21, 2023. This event promises a day of fun with food, drinks, and golf. The goal of the day is to bring awareness of what JOG does to a wider audience and raise funds to continue the great work we are already provide, as well as generate funds to sustain our impactful work. This includes supporting our expansion into Ashland County! To sign up or read more please click here.
We are lucky to be able to bring such a variety of events to our JOG family. These events let our participants flourish and grow into a strong workforce of tomorrow. From our conferences, to our fundraising events, we are blessed to be able to put these on with such receptive audiences.