JOG the Web: JOG FAQ’s

We at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) have been in operation since 1987, but there are plenty of individuals meeting us for the first time as we grow in our community! We want to take time to explain more about who we are, what different JOG terms mean and more about our vision and mission. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ)s about JOG.
Who Is JOG?
Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) helps youth with multiple barriers to success complete their education and successfully transition to employment or post-secondary job training through a holistic continuum of guidance, leadership development, social services. The JOG program consists of in-school and out-of-school professional development training, graduation and high school equivalency support, job placement opportunities, summer work, and follow-up programs.
What Does Tri-County Mean?
The term “tri-county” refers to the specific JOG office in northeast Ohio. Though JOG programming is present across many parts of Ohio, Tri-County JOG serves Medina County, Summit County, Stark County, and Trumbull County. Only recently adding Trumbull County less than 4 years ago, making tri-county a less accurate description but still our legal name. We serve participants within both our in-school and out-of-school programs across all four counties.
Who is JAG?
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a national organization promoting ways for young people in the United States of America to succeed in school, out of school, and on the job. They do this through in-school and out-of-school programs, career readiness training, job placement opportunities, after school programs and career associations. JOG is the Ohio affiliate of JAG. To learn more about JAG, please click here.
What is the JAG Model?
As described by JAG, the JAG Model “consists of a comprehensive set of services designed to keep young people in school through graduation and improves their success rates in education and career.” JOG applies this through our 37 core competencies, which are our guiding factors toward success. These competencies range from job application best practices to time management and even how to excel at professional communication.
JOG measures our success based on these guiding factors, with specific outcomes regarding participation graduation (high school or equivalency), job placement, full-time work, experience of positive outcomes and full-time engagement. JOG has consistently exceeded JAG standards for these outcomes for 27 years. To read more about the JAG model, please click here.
What is a Career Specialist?
Career Specialists are the backbone of what we do at JOG. They are our in-school and out-of-school professionals working directly with participants. They help participants with a variety of things ranging from school tutoring, guidance through real life issues, career preparation, and even running the JOG after-school and JOG Career Association programs.
We hope that these FAQ’s help you better define JOG and understand our services. We are very proud of our program, the young people we work with and our affiliation to JAG. If you would like to read more about how we carry out our mission at the JOG website, please click here.